About Us
PT Mobil Anak Bangsa Indonesia (MABI) As a leading force in Indonesia's electric vehicle revolution, MABI stands as a beacon of innovation, sustainability, and social responsibility. By providing cutting-edge electric vehicles and supporting infrastructure, MABI is not just revolutionizing transportation; MABI is shaping a cleaner, brighter future for Indonesia and making our mark on the global stage. At MABI, we believe in driving change, one electric vehicle at a time.
MABI is also the holding company of the Indonesian National Automotive Company which focuses on electric commercial vehicles. MABI has subsidiaries that consist of:
1. PT Mobil Anak Bangsa, the company that engages in the production of commercial electric vehicles, such as electric buses, electric trucks, and electric mini-vans. The brand name of PT Mobil Anak Bangsa's product is MAB.
2. PT Motor Anak Bangsa, the company that engages in the production of electric motorcycles. The brand name of PT Motor Anak Bangsa's product is Electro.
3. PT MAB Distributor Indonesia, the company that engages in the distribution of MABI group products.
4. PT MAB Sparepart Indonesia, the company that engages in after-sales services of MABI group products.
5. PT MAB SPLU Indonesia, the company that engages in the charging station business.
6. PT MAB Transportasi Indonesia, the company that engages in bus operators in Indonesia.
7. PT MAB Land System, the company that engages in the production of military equipment and vehicles.

At MABI, our vision is to be the leading electric vehicle company in Indonesia.
MABI's mission is:
To produce high-quality electric vehicles focused on commercial vehicles, including two-wheeled, three-wheeled, and specialized vehicles.
To continuously innovate electric vehicle products that are sustainably produced to meet market demands.
To prioritize customer satisfaction and service with superior products and timely delivery.
To generate commercially profitable products.
To value employee contributions as the company's main asset.

Sinkronisasi |​ Synchronization​
Integritas | Integrity​
Komunikasi | Communication
Kepatuhan | Compliance
Proaktif dan Profesional | Proactive and Professional
Acronym: SIKAP-PRO
S = Sinkronisasi | Keselarasan langkah kordinasi semua unsur perusahaan untuk menciptakan alur kerja yang harmonis, efisien dan efektif.​ ​
"The alignment of coordination steps among all company elements to create a harmonious, efficient, and effective workflow."
I = Integritas | Kesatuan pikiran, ucapan dan tindakan yang menjunjung tinggi kejujuran, etika dan tanggung jawab untuk melakukan yang benar dalam sistuasi apapun.
"The unity of thought, speech, and actions that uphold honesty, ethics, and responsibility to do what is right in any situation.​"​
K = Komunikasi | Proses penyampaian pesan atau informasi secara jelas dan transparan untuk membangun hubungan kerja yang lebih baik antara semua elemen perusahaan, pemangku kepentingan dan pelanggan.
"The process of delivering messages or information clearly and transparently to build better working relationships among all company elements, stakeholders, and customers."​​​​
​​​​AP = Kepatuhan | Perilaku seluruh elemen perusahaan untuk mengikuti semua ketentuan hukum yang berlaku baik internal maupun eksternal untuk menjaga reputasi perusahaan dan memastikan operasional perusahaan berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan.
"The behavior of all company elements to adhere to all applicable legal provisions, both internal and external, to maintain the company’s reputation and ensure operations run according to regulations."​​
PRO = Proaktif dan Profesional | Memiliki kompetensi, perilaku dan etika kerja sesuai keahliannya serta memiliki inisiatif melakukan inovasi terbaik untuk kepentingan perusahaan.
"Possessing competencies, behaviors, and work ethics in line with one’s expertise, as well as the initiative to implement the best innovations for the benefit of the company."
"Setiap Karya Anak Bangsa, Akan Merubah Masa Depan Indonesia!"
Jenderal TNI (Purn) Dr. Dr. (H.C.) H. Moeldoko S.I.P., M.A.